piece of the puzzle
• It's another piece of the puzzle.
• Take me out of there, and you're taking away a big piece of the puzzle.
• The final pieces of the puzzle had now been slotted into place.
• Fortunately, the next step in the research process supplied the missing piece of the puzzle.
• So he created a temporary scaffolding to get one piece of the puzzle going.
• How television has changed is one piece of the puzzle.
• But what about the piece of the puzzle we have so far omitted?
• All the pieces of the puzzle were in place: it was time for a little conference.
Every country is intricate. There is so much a country has. So much to see.
So the puzzle is not easy. Every country has and is an unique puzzle.
Every country has a different collage, different layers.
it's a mix of actual man made borders and google maps errors which make these patterns and maps.
This is a mix of organic shapes, google maps errors and squares
They not only made a puzzle out of farms they also devided the wood area's. It's a more flowy structure with contrast between dark and light.
It really looks like a collage.
A mixture of nature and google maps errors
There is a lot of structure here. man made roads which form blocks and borders. there are a lot of squares and rounds. Different patterns and layers start to occur. They look like pixels. The world becomes digitalized
Funny how the colors of the land look like the colors of the irish flag. Orange and green. There is quite a lot of flow.